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  • Piola e Piolla in Brasile


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    Piola e Piolla in Brasile

    Tra i molti Italiani del nord che sono emigrati in America del sud v'erano anche dei Piola; alcuni di essi, per un errore di trascrizione, si sono trovati il nome cambiato in Piolla; questo è un messaggio di un parente di Silvio Piola che vive in Brasile:

    Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 10:40:55 -0300
    To: (Roberto Piola)
    From: (ricardo.teixeira.piolla)
    Subject: Re: nice to meet you
    Roberto, yesterday I talked to my father about from what region in Italy our
    came. He told me that 3 brothers arrived in Brazil from Italy.
    Jose Piola, Natal Piola and a third guy that he doesn't remember the name.
    (I will ask to my grandmother about this).
    Jose Piola was married to Maria Gurati (from Veneza). He told me also that he
    thinks Jose Piola was born in Torino and had a cousin named Silvio Piola,
    who played in the World Cup of 30 in the Italy's team.
    In Brazil our lastname is written with double L due to a registration error.
    A lot of my relatives have just one L in lastname.
    Altri Piolla che mi hanno scritto sono Marcelo Gutierrez Piolla e Marcos Piolla.


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