Genealogia Italian
  • Marcelo Gutierrez


    English version


    Marcelo Gutierrez Piolla

    Dear Roberto,
    	It went a great pleasure to me, to find in the "Internet" its homepage.
    	My name is Marcelo Gutierres Piolla, 33 years, I am son of Arnaldo Piolla,
    granson of Jord=E3o Piola and great-grandchild of Jos=E9 Piola, italian that
    with the siblings Silvio and Natal Piola, migrated to Brazil, in the decade
    of 30.
    	I was born in São Paulo,SP, but now, I reside in the city of
    Recife, Pernambuco, in the northeast of Brazil, where I have an small
    industry of marble and granite called Piolla Granitos & Mármores.
    	I am married with Divalda Ferraz Piolla, doctor, and I have a daugther of
    07 months (age) call Bruna Ferraz Gutierres Piolla.
    	To purpose, I am cousin of Ricardo Teixeira Piolla, that he communicated
    behind with you times.
    	I leave for you my e-mail:, waiting that has him
    whenever he needs.
    	A fraternal hug in all italian Piola's
    	Marcelo Piolla

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