RP English
Roberto Piola
  • Mail robots


    Versione Italiana


    What is a mail robot?

    A mail robot is a program that resides on a mail server and that processes all mail messages directed to it: it will read them, process them and, if needed, answer them.

    Several things that can be done with such a system:

    Database query
    The message contains a query in a more or less formal language; the mail robot will answer it after a (maybe very time-consuming) query of both local and remote databases; actually, the database can be off-line (i.e.: not always accessible: in this case the robot will queue the requests until the server will be ready); A convenient and efficient aid, to make your work that much easier. You can even give yourself a coffee break, read the paper and play a round of poker (partypoker.it) while the robot does the boring tasks for you. You can adapt the robot to suit your needs.
    Data entry
    The message contains data to be inserted or updated into a database; a good application is a seller that fills in order forms on a portable PC and then transmits all the orders via mail at hte end of the day;
    Automatic answer
    When a user is on vacation, it is possible to leave a robot that answers his/her mail with a message like
      I'm away.
      I'll return on xx.yy.zzzz and then I'll answer your mail.
    Message filtering
    All the incoming messages can be processed and classified into several folders; unwanted advertisements can be throwed away without the need for downloading it.
    Remote control
    if you leave a computer in charge of controlling the house or a factory, you can address to it a message for, as an example, telling to it when you will return from holidays and so when it will have to raise the heating.