RP English
Roberto Piola
  • Other activities


    Versione Italiana


    Other activities

    I reported in this page some other activities that cannot be classified neither as work nor as hobbies (I no longer consider computers as a hobby!).

    Writing, writing, writing

    Apart from academic or professional writing (see my C.V. for a list of pubblications), and writing about cooking, I maintain a newsletter, Piemonte.net news and a page of technical tips.

    Linux and other OSes

    Partly for work, partly for fun, I become a linux enthousiast and expert; you can find some of my writings about this (and other) OS on the help page of ihnet and on my technical tips page.

    Automatic creation of home pages

    mkhomepage is a tool for composing a simple home page.

    Actually, it has been removed from all the web sites where it was installed.