RP English
Roberto Piola
  • Freebies


    Versione Italiana




    Free Programs

    Once upon a time (in my first year of university), a friend told me about the communist ideals of some Free Software Foundation guru: in an ideal world, every piece of software would be free, and any programmer would be paid from the government (with a tax on computer sales).

    Then, I thought that was a marvelous idea, but not realistic, and so I forgot about it.

    And now? When I grown, I realized that I made a lot of programs that were paid by some customer and that were hardly resellable, and also some interesting utility that I developed while at the university, paid by the State with a research grant, and that maybe could be helpful to others; in addition to that, the introduction of java brought that nice reality of www.developer.com (ex Gamelan): a community of programmers freely releasing and using components, and so, I realized (in part) that dream of free software: I donate to the public domain what I cannot use for making more money, and I freely use what others developed! This is my contribute; please feel free to use it.

    • Java
    • Linux
    • WWW utilities
      • bib2html.tgz, to convert a bibtex file into a html page. Commented and portable C code.
    • System admin. utilities
      • build_ftp_passwd Builds /home/ftp/etc/passwd and /home/ftp/etc/group, by eliminating unessential informations from /etc/passwd and /etc/group. Commented C code.
      • build_users, a shell script for keeping a mailing list of all users. Self documented.
      • conteggio.c, extracts the total time used by an user from /var/adm/wtmp and keeps track of it into /var/adm/accounts, helping in keeping /var/adm/wtmp small. Commented (in Italian) C code.
      • deluser.c, deletes an user from /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /var/spool/mail, and runs build_users and build_ftp_passwd. Commented (in Italian) C code.

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