![]() ![]() www.ilpiola.it Roberto Piola Work     ![]() Versione Italiana  
| Roberto PiolaCurriculum vitae et studiorum![]() Personal DataName: RobertoSurname: Piola. Place of Birth: Novara (Italy) Date of Birth: 18.01.1970. Nationality: Italian e-mail: roberto@ilpiola.it WWW: http://www.ilpiola.it/roberto IntroductionLong experience in wide-area networks and internet, specialist in networking, system integration and datacenter management.EducationUpper-school leaving certificate obtained from the Scientific Lycee ``M.Curie" in Pinerolo (TO) in 1989 with a rating of 60/60.
Degree in Computing Science cum laude
obtained from the University of Torino,
on the 17th of february 1994. The curriculum was oriented towards
``Artificial Intelligence". Post-graduate courses: ``Machine Learning Summer School", organized by MLnet in Dourdan (France), September 1994. Since February 1995, Ph.D. courses at the University of Torino and attendance to the first and second Italian schools of the Doctorates of Philosophy in Computer Science, organized in Pontignano (Siena), in october 1995 and may/june 1996. April 1998: Cisco "SupportPro" certificate. Ph.D. in Computer Science obtained in february 1999, with a thesis entitled "Refinement of Knowledge Bases in First-Order Logics by means of Neural Networks". March 1999: Cisco "Network Design Specialist" Certification. December 2006: Watchguard Certification February 2008: Cisco CCENT Certification May 2008: Cisco CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associate) Certification September 2008: Cisco CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate) Certification June 2009: Cisco DCNID (Datacenter Network Infrastructure Designer) Certification June 2009: Cisco SMB Select Technical Certification October 2009: Cisco DCASD (Datacenter Application Services Design) Certification Januuary 2010: Cisco DCASI (Datacenter Application Services Implementation) Certification June 2010: Cisco CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) Certification February 2011: Cisco DCNI (Cisco Certified Datacenter Field Engineer) Certification May 2011: Cisco CCDP (Cisco Certified Design Professional) Certification
Research activitiesAfter graduation, the research work continued in the line of translating symbolic knowledge into neural networks and then to refine them. The addressed methods were not only the classical gradient descent, but also Reinforcemente Learning and evolutionary techniques.The Ph.D. thesis addresses the problem of raising the methods for theory refinement by means of neural networks, already developed in the propositional framework, to the use of First Order Logics.
Known computing environments and tools
Known languagesItalian (mother language), English and French.
Work experiencesFrom 1988 to 1992: free-lance part-time consultant, mainly active for the production of business applications and the teaching in professional schools.A fairly large number of programs has been released as shareware or published on the PC Floppy magazine. February 1994-october 1994: administrative part-time staff for the European Science Foundation. October 1994: two-weeks stage at the Leuven Catholic University (Belgium), in the Robotics department. November 1994-october 1995: military service at the ``Scuola d'Applicazione d'Arma di Torino", with the duty of teaching assistant of theoretical computer science. Since july 1995: part-time consultant for Pinerolo Internetworking (Internet ServiceProvider). October 1995-febbruary 1996: teaching assistant of theory and applications of computer science at the ``Scuola d'Applicazione d'Arma di Torino". Since february 1996: part-time consultant for Internet House and MediaLine (Internet Service Provider). Since april 1997: part-time consultant for Internet House and Magellano (Internet Service Provider). Since september 1997: contributor for the magazine ``Login", published by Infomedia. Novembre 1997-February 1998: stage at the Aberdeen University (UK). Since march 1998: member of the Gruppo IH firm. Since november 1998: full-time consultant for Gruppo IH, in the networking, security and system integration fields; acting also as a consultant for Gruppo IH customers and as a programmer engaged in the building of internet and intranet sites April 2000 to the end of 2002: partially employed also as firmware engineer by Inovatec S.p.A. Since december 2002: as a consultant from Gruppo IH, involved in the deployment of a large-scale voice/data network extending across Italy and Romania: Connet-ro (www.connet-ro.com) Since february 2007: full-time employed at Visiant, as a Senior Network Engineer, with the task of deploying and maintaining large-scale IP networks and specialized systems (mainly linux hosts, cisco routers, blade servers). During this period some notable works were the IH.MIS/MX mail filtering system, some plugins for the freeware SquirrelMail platform, and some activity as Virus Hunter for ClamAV. Since January 2012: always employed at Visiant Outsourcing Srl, experience is accumulated about managing an international network of call centers for the controlling company, Visiant Contact Srl (an enterprise with 3500 employees). Since february 2014: employed full time at Jacobacci&Partners SpA in Turin, as a Network&Systems administrator.
Milestones, success stories and references1992: first internet page published (on the university servers)1994: an excerpt of my thesis is published in the “proceedings of the IEEE”. Some of the software I wrote for the thesis is evaluated at the NASA JPL. 1997-2010: full outsourcing of the IT for the retail chains Megatel, Gigatel, 4G and thereafter Wind (cell phones) 1998-today: WAN management and integration of e-mail system with an IBM AS400 for Jacobacci & Partners SpA (one of the most active Law firms in Torino, specialist in Intellecutal Property) 1999: writing of a java application for consultation of technical documentation about the ATMosfera network, on behalf of Telecom Italia / CSELT 2001: for Inovatec (now Riello UPS): integration of web and WAP server on a microcontroller for the SNMP management of UPS 2006: some lines of code find their way into major Linux distros (in the “vacation” utility) 2007: simultaneous relocation of two datecenters and their merge, over a weekend 2008: overnight relocation of all the servers for Megatel SpA from their premises in Chieri (TO) to our datacenter in Milan area 2010: finalist in section “Datacenter virtualization” of the contest “Cisco Innovate” 2011: management of the whole of Visiant Contact network Moreover, I managed the networks and the datacenter hosting for major companies like RGI (services for insurance companies), Il Sole 24 ore Busienss Media (technical publishing), S.IN.T.