Roberto Piola
Program catalog
 Versione Italiana
Program Catalog

HELP! I'm developing new programs at a pace faster than my speed in documenting
them, and I don't have even the time to catalog them.
Here you are an incomplete list of my commercial programs for the Unix operating
system (especially Linux) and Microsoft Windows (95/98/NT).
Please write me to order them.
- Teamview for Microsoft Exchange
- Display at a glance all the calendars for your team members (NT with MS Exchange)
Tools for internet users
- attdisplay
- Have you ever composed a simple form for asking a few questions to a web user and then to mail
back to you the results? if you avoided all cgi/asp/servlet programming and used the simple mailto:
method, you noticed that the results are often encoded in an awful way... this program
decodes the messages coming from the web forms (Windows)
Tools for internet providers
- Utilities for Cisco
For simplifying administration of routers and firewalls
- IH Radius
An excellent Radius daemon for Windows NT and unix
- Virtual Mail Machine (VMM)
A true multidomain mail server, Linux-based
- back-ftp
An excellent service: users can start an ftp session, then disconnect
and reconnect the day after for downloading the file. (Unix)
- ifind
A simple way to search indexes of URLs. (Unix)
- pfind
A simple way to search a set of html pages for a word. (Unix)
- webmenu
- The great-looking sidebar menu that appears on the pages of
http://www.ihnet.it/; it
is a portable cgi-bin, so it works even with those paranoid
users that disable java, javascrpit, activeX, cookies, ... (Unix)
and see also my
free and shareware programs!
System utilities
- Tbackup
One of the best programs for handling tape cartridges! (Linux)
- servicestarter
Starts ant console application as a NT system service. the application is
then continually monitored and restarted if interrupted.
- tdb
A simple program for extracting reports from simple databases;
it works fine for producing html pages! (Unix, Windows)
- tdbodbc
A simple program for extracting reports from ODBC sources;
it works fine for producing html pages! (Windows)
Industrial applications
- Selcom/X
A package for handling the communications between a 486 or Pentium-based
server and a number of Selca
P1200 and P3000 PLCs over serial lines.
I began to study a similar tool also for PLCs manifactured by Charmille Technologies. (Unix)
Moreover, we are official resellers of
Interlink CNC, a program that allows
to connect up to 32 CNC machines with the Heidenhain, Fidia, Fagor,
Deckel, Selca and Fanuc protocols, to a single PC with a Specialix I/O card.