If you are experiencing problems with the latest 7.xx and 8.00 versions of the tomtom firmware (i.e.: if the altimeter icon does not show at all in the menu, please read here.
And now, what is it?
WildTom is the next step of my altimeter project.
It does everything the simple altimeter does, plus:
It may record the current track. The recorded track can be downloaded to the PC, and then converted to a format suitable for OpenStreetMap with a simple C program.
If you do not like recompiling .c programs, you can download a Microsoft Windows executable here. It is a so-called "filter. in order to use it, you must open a DOS prompt, cd to the directory where the .exe and your .wtt tracks are stored, and then issue the command:
osmconvert < file.wtt > file.gpx
This version allows you to display the current track on the screen, and also to display a pre-recorded track, so that you can see if you are following it.
It allows you to set a destination point, and then displays, along with current latitude, longitude, altitude, distance and heading to destination (the red compass is direction to destination, compared to current direction, which is the light blue one.
Revision History
1.00 - November 2007: first official release
1.01 - April 2008: added battery indicator
1.02 - July 2008: added indications about how to run it on NavCore 8 and made it work with large displays
1.03 - January 2009: added the ability of setting an altitude correction
1.04 - September 2009: added the ability of displaying UTM coordinates; it probably works on tomtom version 8.30
Obtaining it
A 2 months demo version is available here.
If you want to use it more than two months, you should pay a license: it is 10 EURO for a new license, or 5 EURO if you already paid the altimeter license (think about it as a discount: the new license will not replace your altimeter license, and you can install both programs simultaneously):
New license
Already licensed
I can accept payments via Liberty Reserve as well... please send me the money on account U0897416, then mail me your model, serial number and payment details. Click here if you do not know what Liberty Reserve is.