Piola e Piora in Francia
 English version
Piola e Piora in Svizzera e Francia
 Qui ci sono alcune informazioni sui rami svizzeri e francesi dei Piola:
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 21:40:22 +0200
From: Jean-Marie Piola
Organization: Info-Logo SA
To: Roberto Piola
Subject: Re: Omonimy? Relative?
Re-hello Mister Piola,
I have a look on your pages, what kind of informations do you
need ?
There's others Piola in Geneva :
* Michel PIOLA : he's a famous Alpine Guide, many people knows him
here in Switzerland, but personaly, I don't. I can contact him,
and try to have some informations, if you want to.
I don't know if he has an E-mail address. His post address is :
* Roger PIOLA : I don't know anything about him. Address :
* My father is dead, but his wife is young and alive. Her name
is Jacqueline PIOLA. I have a little sister ( 6 years old ), and
her name is Elissa PIOLA.
If you need some Heraldic informations, I can help. I have a ring
with our Heraldic sign on it, if you want, I can design it and send
you a gif.
About myself : born in 12.04.64, I'm "informatico", Webmaster
for Info-Logo, you can check that at :
Sorry it's in french.
I have an information, there's a part of our family that, after
Italy, went to France, their name was PIORA, but we have to check
Say what you need, I will be happy to help.
JM PIOLA - Info-Logo SA
Sails & Purchases Manager - E2 section
- Webmaster -
Check at : http://www.infologo.ch
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