Genealogia Italian
  • Patricio


    English version


    Patricio Piola de Andraca

    Date: Sun, 01 Sep 1996 11:11:51 -0700
    From: Patricio Piola 
    Subject: registro en la familia
    Me llamo Patricio Piola, soy ingeniero civil chileno y trabajo en el área 
    de infraestructura como consultor independiente.
    Mi dirección en correo electrónico es:
    Espero respuesta si es necesario enviar más datos
    e ancora
    According to the informal information I have the father of my grandfather
    came to Uruguay from Santa Margherita di Ligure to Uruguay were he was one
    of the founder of the Bank of Italy

    My grandfather came to Chile and his name was Guillermo Piola and he had only sisters that died in Uruguay

    Guillermo Married Adela de la Puente and they had 5 children: Guillermo, Enrique, Adela, Alfredo and Maruja. Of these, Adela Enrique and Alfredo had descendants.

    Enrique had only one son: Enrique

    Adela had two daugthers: Maruja y Marcela Salas Piola

    My Father is Alfredo and he had three children: Alfredo, Florencia and myself Alfredo has two children: Marma Eugenia Piola Almeyda and Alfredo Piola Courtlander

    I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren


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