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  • Laura Piola


    Versione Italiana


    Laura Piola

    From: Laura Piola 
    To: Roberto Piola 
    Subject: RE: Question
    Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 15:20:31 -0300 
    thank you very much, please add my name. I hope have luck.
    Sorry my english.
    Nice to meet you.
    Laura Piola.
    -----Mensaje original-----
    De: Roberto Piola []
    Enviado el: Viernes, 06 de Septiembre de 2002 12:56 p.m.
    Para: Laura Piola
    Asunto: Re: Question
    I'm sorry I do not have more informations about that...
    If you want, I can add your name, email and your message to the list of
    Piolas in net.
    Laura Piola wrote:
    > Hi, I'm looking some information of my grand grand father. He came to
    > Argentina from Italy. I only have the place he born: Carpicarpignano
    > Ssesia Novara Piemonte, I think.  And in Spanish his name was AMOS. I
    > can't find in other pages some information of the ship or the place he
    > live, or born.
    > I hope you can help me.
    > Thanks.
    > Laura Piola.
    > Mendoza
    > Argentina.

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