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Roberto Piola
  • Qtek


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    Roberto Piola and Qtek

    I'm a happy Qtek 9090 owner and I managed to use it for connecting my laptop to the internet, using Linux (Fedora Core 4) on the bluetooth connection.

    Using the Qtek with linux

    There is a little caveat: on the Qtek, you must disable connection authentication (you can leave connection authorization on). Of course, you should have a working bluetooth stack.

    First, the script for connecting the bluetooth device

    This script must be run first: it attempts to select the rfcomm port corresponding to the bluetooth modem, and binds to it. then, it waits for a Ctrl-C for disconnecting the port. run it and then minimize the window

    # attenzione: occorre disabilitare l'autenticazione sul servizio di dialup
    # ed il qtek dev'essere l'unico dispositivo raggiungibile
    echo Searching for bluetooth modems
    sdptool search DUN >/dev/shm/search.txt
    NDEVICE=`grep -c "Searching for DUN on" /dev/shm/search.txt`
    if [ $NDEVICE == 0 ]; then
      echo No Bluetooth DUN devices in range
      if [ $NDEVICE == 1 ]; then
        DEVICE=`grep "Searching for DUN on" /dev/shm/search.txt | cut "-d " -f5`
        CHANNEL=`grep "Channel:" /dev/shm/search.txt | cut "-d:" -f2 | cut -c2-`
        echo "When connected, please run vwdial on /dev/rfcomm$CHANNEL"
        rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm$CHANNEL $DEVICE $CHANNEL
        echo More than one Bluetooth DUN device in range

    Then, the dialer

    After the bluetooth connection has been established, you should run the ppp dialer. I use wvdial: simply create the following /etc/wvdial.conf file:
    [Dialer Defaults]
    Modem = /dev/rfcomm1
    Baud = 115200
    Dial Attempts = 1
    Init1 = ATZ
    Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","ibox.tim.it"
    Phone = *99#
    Carrier Check = no
    Stupid Mode = yes
    Username = ""
    Password = ""

    by replacing "ibox.tim.it" with the name of your access point. IMPORTANT: edit it every time by replacing /dev/rfcomm1 with the name of the rfcomm port that is bound by the previous script: the qtek uses a variable channel for dial-up networking!

    Run wvdial and get connected!


    In order to get it working, I found some useful info on Integra web site.

    Open issues

    Now, it appears that my TomTom Rider is unable to use the Qtek for dialing into the net, but the TomTom has linux inside... I should take a look at that.


    Using the Qtek 9090 with Windows Vista

    First, pair the qtek with your PC by clicking on Network and Shaing Center... Bluetooth Devices... Add
    Vista should add a new modem, amongst other things...
    Then, correct modem options by clicking on Control panel... Phone and modem options... Modems... Standard modem over Bluetooth link (the newly added modem)... Properties... Change settings (it will ask for administration permissions)... Modem tab... Disable "Wait for dial tone before dialing"... Advanced tab... insert +CGDCONT=1,"IP","ibox.tim.it" into the "Extra initialization commands" box; replace ibox.tim.it with your APN name.
    Then, try to set-up a dial up connection: Network and Shaing Center... Set up a connection or network... Set up a dial-up connection... select "Standard Modem over Bluetooth Link", use *99# as the phone number, lease username and password blank and go on.
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