RP English
Roberto Piola
  • AS400


    Versione Italiana


    Roberto Piola at work - AS400

    I had to work in the IBM AS400 (iSeries) platform as well. I do not program in RPG, but I had to do some integration work, accessing it in various ways (ftp, ODBC, OLEDB)... I report here some useful information.

    Comparison between different database access drivers

    I had to compare serveral methods for accessing an AS400 db from a Windows 2003 server. In order to have an accurate timing, I performend a sequence of 10 select and 10 updates on very heavvy tables, monitoring the time spent with the vbscript Timer() function.

    These are the results:
    DriverTime (select)Time (update)
    HiT OLEDB9.125''41.7''
    IBM ODBC10.621''44.4''
    IBM OLEDB10.960''45.8''

    The "IBM" drivers are those supplied with the iSeries Access.

    The driver from HiT has better performances, but it is costy... what surprised my Microsoft-proficient colleagues (but that is confirmed by IBM) is the fact that ODBC is faster than OLEDB.


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