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  • Fausto


    Versione Italiana


    Fausto Piola

    Subject: Fausto Piola Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 15:31:00 PDT From: "FAUSTO PIOLA" To: My name is Fausto Piola. I´m 47. My greatgrandfather, Stefano Piola Frugoni was born around 1845 in Santa Margherita Ligure. Stefano migrated to Dominican Republic with his brother Santiago. Stefano died in 1888 in Dominican Republic. Santiago migrated to Argentina and later went back to Italy. And I never heard from him again until the 50´s when some relatives who still lived in Santa Margherita got together with my grandfather (Esteban) in Santo Domingo. Stefano had a son (Esteban jr.) and 3 daughters. Esteban (my granfather) had a son ( my father). I have 2 sons: Esteban and Carlos. I´d apreciate any information that you could provide.  

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